Scriptural Convictions

Here are some articles on Key Doctrines that distinguish our church from other churches and denominations.  As a church, we are conservative, complementarian, credobaptistic, non-charismatic and Reformed, holding to the 5 Solas ("Alones") of the Reformation.

Conservative means that we read and interpret Scripture as God-breathed. This is a called a "high view" of the Bible.

Complementarian means that we hold to God-ordained roles for men and women in the church. This means that we are convinced Scripture limits the role of Elder to qualified men for orderly headship in the church. We deny that this denigrates or lessens women in any way, as they are co-equal heirs of salvation.

Credobaptistic means we believe that baptism necessarily follows genuine faith. This means we reject infant baptism or christening as following the teaching of Scripture.

Non-charismatic means that we stand on the sufficiency of Scripture (Sola Scriptura). This means that the sign gifts of prophecy, prophetic speaking in languages ("tongues)", and prophetic miracle working were for the age of the Apostles in the first generation of the Church. Now that we have the sufficient Word of God to communicate to us His will, these Apostolic sign-gifts have ceased.

Reformed means celebrating God's sovereign grace in the salvation of sinners, holding generally to the theology, convictions and values of the Reformation.