Welcome to Napanee Baptist Church!

We are a friendly church family who wants to worship God authentically, stand firm on the truth of His Word, love the Good News of salvation in Jesus' Name, and grow in our relationship with Christ. If you're hungering for God's Word and you're looking for solid teaching, sound doctrine and connection with a loving church family, then come join us.

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Introducing Pastor Jake & Fanny Stewart

We are excited to be here at NBC to help shepherd God's people as they grow deep roots of faith in Christ.  It is our desire to proclaim Christ and Him crucified.  We believe that through the Holy Spirit's work, the Gospel changes hearts, and God's Word changes lives.  We are looking forward to seeing God's hand at work among His people here in Napanee.  Soli Deo gloria!

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The Good Person Test

Weekly Bible Study Teaching

Visit our NBC YouTube Channel to listen to faithful, consistent teaching of God's Word, week by week.

Link to Weekly Bible Study (YouTube)
Key Doctrines
Theological Issues